* a most generous husband
* the good fortune of a well-timed bonus at work
* it satisfied both the wish for caffeine AND techno-gadgetry!
I became the proud owner of an iPad, and co-owner of an espresso machine! I have to share the espresso machine with my husband because our birthdays are 20 days apart, so it really was a gift "to us". (Although he picked it out and ordered it as a surprise, using our combined birthday $$$ from his folks - thanks Pat and Van!) I've been practicing using it over the past week (after getting over my fear of using the loudly-hissing steam thingy), and I think I'm getting the hang of it. If anything, I'm just padding my ever-growing resume...

(yeah, I totally did not make that...but it's pretty tho', isn't it?)
Dean arrived home with my new iPad on Wednesday night, so I've spent a couple days getting acquainted with it. I haven't synced it with iTunes yet - I'll tackle that item today. You see... I have no idea how to do that. (shhhhhh!) Every time I've attempted to use iTunes, I've failed. It is NOT intuitive, dammit! It's the whole computer data overwriting the iPod/iPhone data thing. My contacts are an absolute mess. I don't even know where my mother lives. I can drive there, I just can't *tell you* her street address. Pathetic, I know.
It wasn't until this very moment that I realized how much I've missed my laptop. No, that wasn't a slam on the iPad - I certainly don't miss the hefty weight or the hot underside of a laptop... I've missed the freedom of portability! It is a rare moment for me, when sitting in front of the computer, for the true and genuine thoughts to come tumbling out. It's typically noisy, and a messy desk isn't exactly inspiring. The best stuff.. the raw, uncensored stuff, usually crosses my mind when we are on the go. A good turn of a phrase, a candid observation... So many of these gems have been lost to me because I had no way to write or remember, other than an occasional snippet entered into the Notes app on the iPhone. Pen and paper you say? pppfft.
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