Outside my window... Beautiful sunshine for now, but it will be a hot one today...
I am thinking... oh my head is full this week... I am thinking about my upcoming ACL surgery and I still can't decide if I want a donor tendon or do a patellar graft. I am thinking about how the craziness of house repair will most likely start while I am recovering next month (joy). I am thinking about house repair. The insurance adjuster totalled our roof, gutters, shutters, screens, some of the windows, some of the trim work, the paint, and maybe the garage door? Luckily the contractor we will be working with can do all of the work, but it will be a headache to coordinate it all, get the new stuff picked out, get approval from the HOA and so on and so on... I feel an urgency to get it all done NOW, before our contractor gets booked elsewhere, and we will still be waiting as the snow falls. Our car is scheduled to get it's body repair work done - in NOVEMBER. It will be in the shop for 16 days! I have never made claims before, so this is all new to me and I am just astounded at the damage estimates. Dean, the OK native, seems nonplussed by it all. As I walk around the neighborhood, I see more and more roofer signs every day in various yards. This is going to be one very noisy neighborhood for the next several months. That really bums me out because I love to have the windows open in the fall, but it will be impossible to get any schoolwork done, listening to hammering all day.
I am thankful... That Jordan's cell phone was found. He lost it as he was packing up at scout camp this past Saturday. The phone wasn't even supposed to BE AT CAMP. This is also his third phone, so he got lectured inside and out by both of us. To top it all off, he got home on Saturday, and was leaving in less than 24 hours to fly to OK to stay for the next month. Not an ideal situation. Jordan called both boys he was tenting with and asked them to search through their stuff - and they did - to the extent that any 13/14 year old boy knows how to search. It was finally found it a couple days later (AFTER Jordan had flown back to OK and AFTER Dean had driven 2+ hours back to camp to search the tent site) in, of all places, a baseball gear bag of one of the boys. He found it while at practice. I can imagine that his stuff in his room must be in layers, and the camping gear was thrown on top of the baseball gear and the phone slipped out of wherever it was in the camping stuff and fell into the baseball stuff. Dean had noticed at camp that Jordan and his tent mates had the messiest tent of everybody - so it is no surprise it got lost.
I am thankful that Jordan earned his Life scout rank while at camp. His three merit badges that he earned while there which helped him over the hurdle. I had no idea he was on the verge of that. A long while ago I made the conscious decision to detach myself from his scout activities and badges and so forth. It is his journey, his work that will get him where he wants to be, and he is in charge of getting there, at his pace.
I am thankful that Jordan earned his Life scout rank while at camp. His three merit badges that he earned while there which helped him over the hurdle. I had no idea he was on the verge of that. A long while ago I made the conscious decision to detach myself from his scout activities and badges and so forth. It is his journey, his work that will get him where he wants to be, and he is in charge of getting there, at his pace.
I am also very, very thankful for insurance. State Farm really came through with fair and accurate assessments of the damage. I wish it hadn't taken so long, but I know now that it took time to get adjusters here from out of state, given the scope of the damage across the area.
From the Learning Rooms... I got a call from our principal at Calvert yesterday, and she went over the assessment tests and discussed placement with me. It all went as I expected - Owen in K, Rylan in 2nd, and Jordan in 8th. Jordan's math skills are coming in at a solid 7th. I guess I was expecting that too, it's just hard to hear, and it's a huge hit on my personal pride - because it's my fault. We have been too busy and too distracted these past couple of years and have fallen behind, and it is precisely why I have cleared the decks in our schedule, so to speak, for this coming year, and beyond. The boy can run circles around me doing math in his head, but when it comes to the easy stuff - the stuff that always trips you up on a test, he stumbles every time. I was hard-pressed NOT to look over his answers before I packaged everything up and sent it off last month. We are ready for pre-algebra, and that is where she assured me he would start. They use Singapore at Calvert. I'm not a fan of Singapore, but I suppose it's not fair that I say that because we've never done it before, but in looking it over, it seems, well...a bit boring and very linear? We love using MEP, and I think MEP does a fantastic job of stretching the concept all around in different ways to drive home how to approach an equation. I refuse to drop MEP once we start Calvert. It will be a supplement - I just can't let it go. Anyway, the curriculum should be arriving just about the beginning of August. That will give me the time I need to plug away at our schedule, and do a soft start with all of them. It will be most brutal on Jordan, who will have done next to nothing all summer, with the exception of Minecraft. (the bane of my existance).
In the kitchen... I am making rhubarb crisp this morning for breakfast. I wound up with a ton of rhubarb when the hail destroyed my plant. I was able to salvage quite a bit, and the plant is already making a nice comeback.
I am wearing... pjs.
I am creating... A calendar and chore chart for the kids. I am annoyed by them asking all the time what we are doing and when, so I got a large white board calendar and color-coded dry erase markers to fill it in each month. The smaller-sized kitchen calendar is too pretty to muck it all up with scribbles all over the place. Plus, I want the kids to begin the habit of adding their own stuff. For the chore chart, I am going with a piece of sheet metal in a frame, magnetic chore cards and lots of tape, so we'll see what I come up with. Pinterest has been a great inspiration. I promise I will post when it is done.
I am going... Physical Therapy this afternoon for me, and Rylan to the orthodontist after that. She may be getting her lower braces on today.
I am wondering... How to manage the stress... I can only walk so far for so long. I miss running.
I am reading... Still working on The Happiness Project, and then I picked up three new reads from the library: Firefly Lane and Fly Away, both by Kristin Hannah, and Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives, by Richard Swenson. I've seen that title referred to in the past couple of books I've read, so I am taking a look. Dean also ordered a book from Amazon for me - Smart but Scattered Teens, by Guare, Dawson and Guare. Jordan is really struggling with executive function, and I need this to help me ease up on him and get off his back. His behavior has improved tons in past few years, but it still comes down to being able to focus - and as you can imagine, schoolwork, being able to finish a task and remembering to do things are the biggest issues. I suppose it is timely because I also discussed this very issue with his psychiatrist at our last check-up. I wanted some advice, routines, resources..whatever, to help Jordan get some self-management skills in place. First, he scoffed and said that even his patients in their early 20's still struggle with that. And then you know what he recommended?? A sticker/reward chart. Again. Three years later, we are having THE SAME EFF'ING CONVERSATION. I need this book, and we need a new doc.
In the garden... Nine, rather beaten-up tomato plants that have about a 50/50 chance of making it, chives that won't quit, and a really plucky rhubarb. And a nice selection of weeds. Still. I know...
I am hoping... For patience.
I am looking forward to... therapy today (ready for some new exercises) and a summer movie tomorrow with the kids, followed by swimming.
I am learning... just for kicks, I looked up how to check your Google history to look up things I've been searching for. And here is what I've found. I spend waaaaay to much time on the computer. I need to set a timer for myself!
I am hearing... Coldplay's Ghost Stories (I LOVE THIS ALBUM!), and the kids playing in the garage. So far this morning Owen has shot himself in the eye with bug spray and had a shoving match with Colin. I don't know why they like playing in the garage. All they do is ride their bikes in circles, search for spiders and get into stuff they shouldn't.
Around the house... lots of dust bunnies because Abby is shedding. I will be contacting the contractor today to set up a time to look over shingle samples. We aren't changing the color, but I suppose we need to pick something. I really hope the HOA moves quickly on this. I imagine their office is flooded with requests already.
I am pondering... how this will all come together, and when, and how much it will set us back, financially (the house, surgery, school)
One of my favorite things... Ice cold McAlister's Sweet Tea on a hot day
A few plans for the rest of the week... violin lesson, movie, swimming, a Luau party at our church and Rylan begins girl scout summer day camp next week. I need to get her water shoes for the canoeing portion.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
Two things: First is Jordan's first GoPro YouTube video that he edited and set to music. He must have figured it out how to do it all on his own - now he needs to teach me! He just uploaded it this week, within hours of arriving in OK, and after conferring with Dean over the phone about the finer details of music credit and so forth. This is Dean and I on the Mind Eraser (if you have vertigo issues - DON'T WATCH), in May. We got the front seat, and Dean is wearing the GoPro. I loved the ride, but screamed the whole way - thank goodness there is awesome music for you to listen to instead.
And here is a picture Colin took of Rylan walking by the pool at swimming lessons last week:
Two things: First is Jordan's first GoPro YouTube video that he edited and set to music. He must have figured it out how to do it all on his own - now he needs to teach me! He just uploaded it this week, within hours of arriving in OK, and after conferring with Dean over the phone about the finer details of music credit and so forth. This is Dean and I on the Mind Eraser (if you have vertigo issues - DON'T WATCH), in May. We got the front seat, and Dean is wearing the GoPro. I loved the ride, but screamed the whole way - thank goodness there is awesome music for you to listen to instead.
And here is a picture Colin took of Rylan walking by the pool at swimming lessons last week:
I love the splash and the reflection... |
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