Despite the many, many years I spent as a nanny, and the time I spent as a lead teacher at a day care, and then the four years I spent teaching in the public school classroom, I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that I just don't like the awesome responsibility of taking care of other people's children. I never felt this way before I had kids - back then I felt like I could take on anything. But ever since I became a mother and understood what the full scope of taking care of child 24/7 is truly like, I just don't like the pressure that is put upon my shoulders. I have an incredible amount of reluctance in allowing anyone other than family watch my kids - and even then it is only for a short time. The exception is my friend Norma, who is like a second mom to my kids - and I trust her implicitly. So, I (feeding off of my own perceptions) feel like other parents are just as reluctant to leave their kids as I am.
I love the area that this camp is in, but the spot where our little minicamp is situated is just multiple accidents waiting to happen. We are sandwiched between water (a murky pond) and the main entry/exit road. I am mentally fried from counting eleven heads all day, making sure that no child ambled onto the road, or into the water. They are all sweet, sweet kids.... I am just...fried.
Our group, plus some older scout helpers |
On a walk around the ponds... |
Colin found a rock... |
Touching a fish that one of the older boys caught... |
On our way to lunch, I caught sight of Rylan and her unit playing a parachute game. |
Our turn for a hot dog lunch at the main pavillion. |
View from the main pavillion. |
It was a nice day today, but the air quality was terrible. Tomorrow it is supposed to hit 92F. Uugh.