Outside my window... Sigh. The neighbor and his noise. This morning, at exactly 7:42, he started up something that sounded like a sander or a buffer. And now, at 9:22, he is still going. Great neighbors, with the exception of his annoying habit of using power tools early in the morning on the weekends. Also, it is bright and sunny, with just a bit of breeze.
I am thinking... About cats. Our new cat, Riley, and our original cat, Kitty, are finally getting along. It's been three months now. They chase each other around, tolerate the other's presence and have even shared the same food bowl once or twice. It is interesting to watch how they are always aware of where the other one is. Riley regularly carries out ambush attacks on Kitty. It is not exactly a fair fight though, since Kitty has claws and Riley does not. During the mornings in the schoolroom, the smaller windows are open in the bay window, and each goes to her respective window to keep watch over the neighborhood.
I am thankful... for September. I love you, September.
From the Learning Rooms... We covered early humans, nomads and early farmers last week in SOTW. The kids made 'cave paintings' on the single paper bag I managed to find in the garage, squirreled away over the summer for this very purpose. One morning, when just Owen was up, we sat on the couch and he combed through a DK book on prehistoric life from cover to cover. I had found him studying the page featuring a trilobite, and he was worried about it. "Do these still exist?" "Will they bite you?". I told him to think of it as a giant rolypoly and no, they don't exist anymore, but we can go see the fossil of one at the museum. He slowly worked his way through the book, studying the pages and asking some very thoughtful questions. It was pure Owen. I love that kid.
In the kitchen... I am making monster cookies and cutting up watermelon and cantaloupe for a picnic later this afternoon. The kids are in the process of making grape koolaid to pour into the popsicle molds.
I am wearing... pjs. Pulled out the winter flannel pjs last night. It's getting chilly at night now!
I am creating... not much at the moment.
I am going... to a picnic later today for our homeschool group. It is our annual Not-Back-to-School picnic. It is always a fun time.
I am wondering... What in the world to have 10 cub scouts do for a recycling activity at the meeting this coming Thursday. I will be consulting Pinterest for ideas. The den leader is out of town this week, so the meeting falls on my shoulders. Heaven help me.
I am reading... The den leader scout manual for what to do for this upcoming activity/badge thingy.
I am hoping... That half of the boys will skip scouts for soccer practice.
I am looking forward to... The pack Fall Color hike next weekend.
I am learning... about hysterectomies.
I am hearing... A blend of Transformers on TV, the sander outside, and Rylan stirring koolaid in the kitchen. The kids are explaining to me that it is an early episode, when Bumblebee still had his voice. And that Bumblebee is Colin's favorite color - yellow.
Around the house... the usual line-up. Laundry and dishes.
I am pondering... starting on the boys' Halloween costumes today. Clock is ticking...
One of my favorite things... Quiet. Which is an elusive thing these days.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Rylan has her first consultation appointment in regards to her scoliosis. We got the x-rays done in May, now it is time to find out what we need to do right now, if anything. There is scout popcorn everywhere. The boys need to sell it. Dean and Jordan leave for Fall Camporee this upcoming weekend.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
We met up with my brother and SIL and two of their three boys and went to the circus last weekend. The kids loved it. Colin was the most impressed with the motorcycles in the ball cage. Owen and Rylan liked the dogs doing stunts the best, and Jordan couldn't stop talking about the guy that shot ballons with a crossbow. He was certain that it was faked somehow. Nobody liked the horseback routine where they jump on the backs of the horses. I loved the audience-participation bit where kids played a variety of silly instruments.
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