Green belt, 11/12/11 |
Another nine week cycle has ended, and today was the day for belt promotions. Rylan has moved up from a blue belt to a green belt. During the blue to green cycle, the student learns a form called Tiger Set #3. Rylan is/was the only blue belt, so she has practiced on her own, with her instructor, Mr. Baptista. As the students lined up for promotions today, Rylan was at the end of the line, which made her lead student in her class (I wasn't aware that an older, more experienced student had moved up to the next age group, the Eagles). This meant she would be doing the form all by herself today (with her instructor by her side). I was a little nervous for her, but Rylan took it all in stride. Here she is performing her form... (and I love, love, love, her confident voice - loud and clear!)
(I am having issues with loading this video...grrrrrr)
Jordan and Rylan have been taking karate lessons for one year now. They have learned so much! I am constantly amazed at the skills they already know and how much their technique is improving. I love to watch them individually and when the school performs as a whole. The instructors are so dedicated and invested in helping the kids succeed (many of them have children in the school as well) and the whole atmosphere is positive, yet you can readily sense the high level of expectations placed upon each and every student.
Advanced orange belt, 11/12/11 |
When this upcoming cycle ends in January, Jordan will be promoting to purple belt. Which means he will also be eligible to join the black belt club, which he wants to do. So next promotion Jordan will also receive a red gi. It's a big step up, and Jordan is pretty excited about it. A junior black belt is still around three years away, but Jordan wants to go for it. It is awesome that he has a goal like that. We will be watching and waiting...