Almost there... I am enjoying camp, but I still have to say that the grueling schedule is killing me. Not the schedule at camp itself (our little group of 2-5 yr olds don't really
have a schedule), but the prep and the clean up. I am up at 5:30, and I still arrive 20 min. later than I should. I have to water the garden, fill up about 10 water jugs plus the the 5 gallon water cooler (water for the wading pools), make lunches, pack backpacks, make sure all four kids have changes of clothes, waterbottles, hats, water shoes, lunches, snacks, and so on and so forth. Forget trying to pack some of it the night before. I am not coherent at this point (it's 11:18 pm), so I don't want to try and pack up a backpack. I'm liable to forget something. (btw - how's my grammar and spelling? I'm barely able to proofread any of these posts. I hope they make sense. Am I rambling?)
We get to camp at 8:30 (I'm really supposed to be there just after 8), and then leave at 3:45ish. The actual camp runs from 9-3 each day. We have to wait around until the last child is picked up (all of the kids are camp volunteers' kids), and then we can go. It is an all-out fight to keep Colin awake on the ride home. Poor kid, he is accustomed to napping from 1-4 pm. By 3:45, after a long, hot day of play in the sun, he is delirious. We are all so filthy that we shower off the second we get home (Colin, Owen and I get priority) and then I get the boys to bed. They nap until they get up - 8 - 8:30. Rylan attempts to stay awake, but she invariably falls asleep in weird positions on the couch. I nap too. When we do get up, we are tired, irritable, and hungry. We are literally dragging at this point. The kids fall back asleep at 10:30pm, and I fight to stay awake that last hour - shuffling the camp clothes into the dryer, placing waterbottles in the freezer, and making sure I've got lunch stuff semi-ready. That is about all I can handle. And then of course do a blog update. Which is what I am supposed to be doing right now.

Owen is so happy to have his big brother Jordan back from OKC. Jordan canoed in the morning, and then fished the rest of the day. He came very close to catching a very large bass. I was with him and we both saw the fish. He casted and the fish ate the bait in just a few seconds' time. Then he promptly broke the fishing line. Smart fish. No wonder he is so big - he's been evading capture for years! |
The only glimpse of Rylan I had all day... |
Last day... I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I am so tired, I am so tired, I am so tired...