Outside my window... A beautiful sunny blue sky, bright sun and melting patches of snow.
I am thinking... About a blog post that a friend posted about a new lock-down policy (in a knee-jerk reaction to the Sandy Hook shooting) that was put in place (with no prior notice to the parents) the last day of school before Christmas Break (it is a once-a-week enrichment program for homeschoolers, operated under the direction of the local school district). (WOW! A sentence with three, THREE!, parenthetical interjections!) I envy the experiences that my friends' children are receiving in this program (Jordan attended for two years, but we pulled out a couple of years ago), but I am so, so very thankful that I no longer have to hand over my children to other adults to watch over and keep safe. The kids who attend have to traverse between four different buildings throughout the day, and some were locked out when they left one building and attempted to enter another. That is absolutely inexcusable.
I am thankful... For the homeschooling life, obviously. I am also thankful for washing machines, coffee, and my headphones.
From the Learning Rooms... We didn't do a lick of work this week. We did play a lot though. I taught Rylan how to play Mancala, and she is already grasping the strategic thinking that is involved. She worked on her karate workbooks that are due this coming week, and read all of the directions to me as she did the various activities. We haven't done much reading practice since before Thanksgiving, yet here she is, reading away... I am in awe. She is also practicing her subtraction skills as she plays on her own Hay Day farm (a game she plays on Dean's iPad). She has to calculate how much more of something she needs to complete an order, or how much more money she needs to earn to purchase something-or-other. I keep trying to convince Dean of the game's educational merits, but he is not buying it...
In the kitchen... I need a new coffee pot. Desperately. My Mr. Coffee died a long time ago, and I have been subsisting with my French Press. The glass carafe cracked several months ago, but it was still usable - until it was knocked off of the counter the morning we were leaving for Christmas in OKC, that is. We have the espresso machine, and I love using it, but sometimes you just don't feel like waiting that long for a coffee. And a mocha is a pretty 'heavy' drink.. I don't want to consume something like that every day. So I am advocating hard for a Keurig. We'll see.
I am wearing... pj's and a big fluffy robe.
I am creating... Well - if the stars align and the kids leave me alone, I just may, MAY, get the annual Christmas letter done today. Nothing could be more simple to write (I write reams on this blog! WHY can't I get a couple of paragraphs pounded out?!?!), yet I have repeatedly put the job off to the next day and the next. I was totally ON IT this year. I got on Shutterfly, created and ordered our family photo card and received it BEFORE Thanksgiving. So what happened? I suck.
I am going... Grocery shopping at some point...
I am wondering... When exactly Lego is going to have its Minecraft set in stock again. I have checked every day since mid-December, and they still say Sold Out. I could purchase it on Amazon for twice the price, but that is just ridiculous. Bad form Lego, bad form.... (this is one of Jordan's Christmas presents...)
I am reading... I just got a copy of J.K. Rowling's The Casual Vacancy from Dean for Christmas. I haven't cracked it yet, but I will in the very near future. It's this month's pick for bookclub.
I am hoping... That we finish the bathroom today. All that is left to do is the tile backsplash. I can't wait to post pictures! We have all exclaimed that it feels like a completely different house when we go in there.
I am looking forward to... Getting back into the groove this week.
I am learning... About DropBox and the all of the possibilities that it opens up. Technology can be so cool and useful!
I am hearing... 'Goodbye In Her Eyes' by the Zac Brown Band, on their new album Uncaged. Love it. I saw them perform on Jimmy Fallon recently (aired in November, but we have a jillion episodes on the DVR to watch yet) and I was instantly smitten. We think the lead singer looks exactly like Dean's niece's husband, Chris.
Around the house... Laundry. Owen had been suffering with a stomach bug for several days, and it was hard to get in just a load of regular clothes in between all of the loads of sheets and towels. Now it is Colin's turn. Except it is all coming out of the other end. (You're welcome.) Both of them have had fevers that have been off and on over several days, and Owen has slept for hours on end. The longest stint was 16 hours. Poor kid. I think he has turned the corner, though. I just hope it doesn't progress on to Rylan or Jordan.
I just completed an organizing project (post to come soon), and it has been a nice morale booster.
Dean and I just got a new budgeting program called You Need A Budget. We are using the 30-day trail to try it out, but we are already really impressed. It was our goal over Christmas Break to get our financial house back in order, and we think we have found it. If I get off my lazy duff, maybe I'll get a post in about it over on the 2 Cents blog. (just as soon as I blow the dust off of it).
I am pondering... ummm... not much. Trying to stay away from introspection today.
One of my favorite things... A new track I just found on Spotify! Zac Brown AND Jimmy Buffett!! I think I need a little more Jimmy Buffett in my life. Maybe that's what wrong - I had stopped listening.
A few plans for the rest of the week... An ortho appt for Jordan on Tuesday, and a return to the lessons line up. Owen started back up with gymnastics yesterday (luckily he felt perky in the morning - but he slept from 3pm until 10 pm, and then went back to bed at midnight). Karate belt testing is this coming weekend. Jordan also has his second round of MBU (scout Merit Badge University) classes as well. Rylan will test for her red belt on Saturday, and Jordan will test for his Green belt during a make-up test the following Monday night.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
This is called Blu Track, and it has been voted the kids' favorite toy of the season. It is such an awesome, creative toy! Owen's Aunt Karen and Uncle Steve ordered it for him from Fat BrainToys for Christmas. I highly recommend it. It also makes great entertainment for kitties.
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