Yes, you are correct. This is not a minion.
I love creative costumes like this one pictured above. It is easy, kid-appropriate and humorous. Especially if you tried to sit down. I bet I could whip this up in about a half-hour - unlike the stupid undertaking I am in the midst of, making not one, but TWO minion costumes. These minions are the costume creation from hell, I tell you. I think at least 287 different steps are involved.
I am the proud owner of a new glue gun, since my trusty old one is currently 'misplaced' and no one is fessing up. My new glue gun is the boss. The glue gets wicked hot. WICKED hot. Like, shout-several-curse-words hot if glue oozes out over your skin. Which of course it does! And, wouldn't you know... gluing foam is difficult, and holding two pieces of foam together, sandwiching 1000 degree hot glue in between is not a pleasant crafting activity. The directions I am following for these costumes made is sound like you just glue here, press here.. glue there and press there, and voila! A perfectly rounded minion head! So after expending a lot of mental energy in trying problem solve glue vs. foam, I have some insight to share.
Clothespins, crafty people! Clothespins are your friends! After struggling with that stupid tube of foam for the entire first half of the Broncos game, I got wise and figured clamping it shut with the help of clothespins would do the trick, since I clearly did not have enough hands. Besides, clothespins do not have nerve-endings. My hands do. I pinned up twelve seams sealed with hot glue, still burning each and every one of my fingers plus a way-too-curious child (or two) in the process, but the clothespins got the job done in holding everything closed until the glue set (I actually let it sit overnight). The kids wondered if this freaky-looking minion head with about 50 clothespins sticking out all over it was the finished product. Uh... no. I am now in the process of working on minion head #2, in between math problems, dirty dishes, phonics and tuna fish sandwiches.
Maybe it was the cool moon spectacle messing with my crafty mojo last night...