Outside my window... A gorgeous sunny morning - a perfect day to get out on our bikes!
I am thinking... About a horrendous derogatory comment that was made by retiree Bobbie Lucier (wife of a veteran, from Manassas, VA) about the First Lady during a story about Mitt Romney visiting the American Legion that aired on NPR on August 30th. I've been ruminating about it for a week, now. Here is what this woman says:
"I just - I don't like him. Can't stand to look at him. I don't like his wife. She's far from the first lady. It's about time we get a first lady in there that acts like a first lady and looks like a first lady."Reading her quote is not enough - you have to listen to the audio - you can actually hear the vitriolic contempt in her voice.
Exhibit A Exhibit B
Hmmmm... I wonder what the difference is????
I know - it's the pearls!!!
Shame, on you Bobbie Lucier. Hater.
And shame on you, Ari Shaprio, for not throwing out a follow-up question at this blatantly racist comment - that would have been 'gotcha' awesomeness! Oh well - at least this leaves the door open for the bloggers of the world to publicly shame her and expose her for what she is.
Two things:
1. I think the First Lady is one classy lady. I love that she has chosen to promote healthy living - this nation of fatties (myself included) needs constant reminders to take better care of ourselves. She is also one shrewd momma - I admire the high expectations she and Barack have laid out for their girls. That much can't be said for the Bush twins...
2. My grandfather, a WWII veteran, patently refused to join the American Legion after he came home from the war. To him it was a social club full of drinkers and complainers. He chose instead to join the Lion's Club and dedicate his time to attending to the needs of his community. One of my fondest memories is going to the Lion's Club with my grandma for a community lunch for seniors and low-income families. Member after member came over to greet my grandma and say kind words about my late grandpa.
I am thankful... For my dad and stepmom coming over last night and relieving me of a ton of extra garden produce. It was beginning to get a little scary out there... I am also thankful that my mom and dad (and extended family members) raised me to be a member of the world community - to accept one and all.
From the Learning Rooms... We had an awesome week of firsts! A bit of a shorter week due to Labor Day, so we had to condense some things. Jordan's science curriculum arrived last weekend, but there wasn't time for me to go through it and get stuff prepped for this week, so we will begin this coming week. Rylan's Core Knowledge history and geography pack arrived on Wednesday, which was the last item that we were waiting for. Next week we go whole hog! Jordan started his new English curriculum (Shurley English) and I just love it. Part of the work is to write journal entries, so Jordan is doing that bit at bedtime. He came and asked me if he could write about how he doesn't like that he is going through puberty - he doesn't want his body to change. (I tried to keep a straight face). I said that he could write about whatever he wanted - and I wouldn't read it unless he invited me to. This is the first time that he has ever taken up writing - willingly!
This past week we concentrated on math, and celebrated the fact that the kids logged a full lesson each day- plus time on IXL. Jordan's MEP lessons are about geometry at the moment - measuring angles and such, and the Greek symbols for alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon were introduced. This is new to me. All he is doing is using them to name the angles, but I asked Dean when they really start to come into play and he said Trig. Geesh. I must really be worried about it because it came to me in a dream last night. I dreamed that my SIL Karen was giving me a phone number - but in code, using only Greek letters. I know that makes absolutely no sense, but in the dream I was really upset about it and pleading for her to use just plain numbers. That would be the first time I ever dreamt about Karen - or - Greek letters. Sorry it wasn't a happy dream!
Rylan moved into her next Explode the Code book (2) this week, and complained that the print size was bigger than the last book (1 1/2), and therefore that meant it was 'babyish'. Then she fell apart because the book starts of with the blends 'cl, fl and gl' - all blends that she has already seen in All About Spelling and Reading Eggs. All of a sudden Explode the Code was just WAY too difficult. Even with the babyish big font. Such big drama from such a little person...
Rylan had her first ballet/tap combo lesson this week, on Wednesday. She loved it. I took a picture with my phone, but her eyes are closed and it's dark, so I'll take a better picture this week. She is also learning to ride her bike! Her training wheels came off last night (per her request), and grandpa and grandma got to see the first few attempts. She was on a grassy slope at the time. Today we will go to the neighborhood park and try again on the bike path - with soft grass on either side. I'll be prepared with a camera and bandaids.
Owen had his first gymnastics lesson yesterday and he absolutely loved it. He needs to work on listening skills, so this will be the perfect opportunity. Owen spent a tremendous amount of time with math and Reading Eggs this week - which is a first, because he is the one that resists sitting down and doing anything. He is *almost* getting the hang of using the mouse. A thought just popped into my head - is there such a thing as a kid-friendly mouse? One that doesn't have a right-click? I'll have to search around...
Also - Rylan had her first Girl Scout meeting this week. I didn't think we were going to go down this road, but at the last second the stars aligned, the situation felt right and we made the jump. It took some persuading by friends, but I am happy we did it. It feels so much different when you don't have the burden of leadership on your shoulders. And it also feels different when you work with a very nice dynamic of moms. All of the moms are involved, so a group effort is so much easier! I am excited for all that is planned for this year. And best of all - Rylan is so happy to be back with her friends.
In the kitchen... an absolutely delicious-smelling breakfast pastry called Butter Braid. My mom was cleaning out her pantry/fridge/freezer of all things gluten, so we inherited it all. It smells awesome - what a treat for breakfast. The sad thing is - if we really love it, it will be difficult to get a hold of some more!
I am wearing... a new LLBean denim skirt (fast becoming a favorite) and purple shirt.
I am creating... not much at the present... well, I take that back. I have a new game on my iPad called Gardens of Time. I'm addicted. It's the first game that has hooked me like this... So, I am busy creating my garden...in the oodles of extra time that I do not currently possess.
I am going... no plans for the kids outside of school and activities for the coming week, although I am going out with my bookclub friends for some long-overdue wine, coffee and conversation.
I am wondering... hmm. I'm truly drawing a blank on this one.
I am reading... Same: Lev Grossman's The Magicians It is now been overdue at the library by a week. whoops..
In the garden... too many cucumbers! Lots and lots of mini-pumpkins that look just beautiful. Everything else is doing its best to wither away...
I am hoping... that transitions between schooltime and activities goes much smoother this week. We're all adjusting to the new bustle n' go routine.
I am looking forward to... catching up with friends and a playground-cleanup service project with the scouts tomorrow.
I am learning... about the speed of light, neo-classical Mexican architecture, Mesopotamia and the Gardens of Babylon, and how to present a grammar jingle w/o laughing.
I am hearing... About the 5th or 6th straight episode of Sponge Bob. Time to stop ignoring the kids....
Around the house... A massive search for shoes is underway...
I am pondering... why, why, why... even though we have provided each child with their own personal shoe bin, they continue to leave them under the couch, in the bathtub (?), under the trampoline, and wedged under their car seat.
One of my favorite things... My new casserole dish set (birthday gift) from my brother and SIL.

Potluck awesomeness!
A few plans for the rest of the week... I feel like I've already answered this. How about 9-10 loads of laundry, at least 6 loads of dishes, and karate belt promotions next Saturday.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
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