When we stepped outside, this is what we saw...

Rabbit fencing doesn't always deter a determined toddler
While daddy was working on the top of the frame for Bed #1, Rylan, Owen and I planted the bed. Rylan helped make holes and dropped the bigger-sized seeds in. Owen busied himself by removing all of the plant markers I put in place. (Sigh). We planted 1 zucchini, 1 squash, 2 rows of peas, 4 rows of carrots, 4 rows of beets and 1 row of chives.
In bed #2, we planted 1 rhubarb (from a nursery), 1 zucchini, 3 rows of peas, 1 row of jalapeno, 1 row of anaheim, and 8 cucumber.
In bed #3, (which was planted about 2 weeks ago) I put in 10 tomatoes, and multiple bush beans.
Bush bean seedling, approx. 12 days after planting