Lots of stuff has been happening in the wellness department during the last year..
Some joys:
About a month ago I got each of the kids on their bicycle and we went for a walk. Now this may not sound significant, but it was a HUGE deal. First: This was the first walk in over six years where I didn't have to push a stroller. Second: Each child now has a way to be independent - great for self-esteem and exercise. Owen moved up to Jordan's first bicycle (with training wheels) and Colin started using Owen's first bike - a strider bike (no pedals). We have been out virtually every day since. Colin is now able to coast along and stop himself and Owen constantly races Rylan to be the leader.
This is great for me because this is the first regular exercise I have had since I did a prenatal water aerobics class when pregnant with Rylan. It is also the first regular exercise for the dog as well. Well, sure I could have been walking before, but I have been plagued with tremendous arch/heel pain for the past two years. I got my first pair of orthotics last December. It took almost three months to adjust to them, but it has made a huge difference. I even found a solution for the summer sandal by purchasing a pair of Mephisto leather sandals for the summer. I have worn them constantly since June, and have no heel pain to report! But it is time to get back into my sneakers on a full-time basis. I stay on my feet longer and move around more when I have them on - it's a psychological thing...
I had the 'big 6' this summer: dentist, eye exam, mammogram, pelvic exam, annual physical and skin survey. It is great to report that all is good. I transitioned to a different type of soft lense to lessen the effects of my astigmatism, no cavities, mammogram and pelvic results were normal, my blood panel came back normal - my cholesterol level is 99, and no suspicious spots to remove. All good news after a couple of rough years.
Some concerns:
My heart. At this time last year I started having some chest pains and a racing pulse. During the night, when I had been lying down for several minutes - not really thinking about anything or worrying about something, the racing would begin. It almost felt like a panic attack. I could feel a squeezing pressure on the right side of my chest. I didn't know what to think - was this a heart attack? It was time for my physical anyway, so I mentioned my concerns to my doctor and she had me hooked up to an EKG. The results were not good. She looked at the readout, and looked at me and then back at the readout. "Are you feeling okay?" umm.. yeah? "Because this readout indicates that you are having a heart attack....hmmmm" Even though the results were bad, there were no other indicators. Blood test results came back normal, and well... I didn't keel over and die. So...I guess we just left it alone. We didn't follow up and the racing and pain went away after several days.
In December and January it started up again - in a big way. My stress level was at an all-time high, and every emotional event would trigger an attack, as well as in the middle of the night when I was at rest. Then it went away. And now, as of three weeks ago, it is back again - with a vengeance. So, I am going to make an appointment with the cardiologist this week to get it checked out. At this point, it could be the heart, or it could be a digestive/acid reflux issue. I wouldn't say that I am overly stressed about any one particular thing, but there is, of course, always some stress. Homeschooling, budget, household needs, parenting... nothing bad, but I do suppose it all adds up.
I hope I get some answers. I am reluctant to do any exercise other than walking - I'm afraid that if I raise my heart rate too high that something bad will happen. But that also means that I will continue to have to amble around with the thirty excess pounds that I have gained over the past seven years and three pregnancies.
My moral. It's still not where it should be. I've doubled my Zoloft dosage to 50mg, but I am not sure it's enough yet. It's all kind of connected: the stress, the weight, the pain and discomfort and the lackluster energy. All I want is to feel good, keep up with my kids and to live a long life.
My heart. At this time last year I started having some chest pains and a racing pulse. During the night, when I had been lying down for several minutes - not really thinking about anything or worrying about something, the racing would begin. It almost felt like a panic attack. I could feel a squeezing pressure on the right side of my chest. I didn't know what to think - was this a heart attack? It was time for my physical anyway, so I mentioned my concerns to my doctor and she had me hooked up to an EKG. The results were not good. She looked at the readout, and looked at me and then back at the readout. "Are you feeling okay?" umm.. yeah? "Because this readout indicates that you are having a heart attack....hmmmm" Even though the results were bad, there were no other indicators. Blood test results came back normal, and well... I didn't keel over and die. So...I guess we just left it alone. We didn't follow up and the racing and pain went away after several days.
In December and January it started up again - in a big way. My stress level was at an all-time high, and every emotional event would trigger an attack, as well as in the middle of the night when I was at rest. Then it went away. And now, as of three weeks ago, it is back again - with a vengeance. So, I am going to make an appointment with the cardiologist this week to get it checked out. At this point, it could be the heart, or it could be a digestive/acid reflux issue. I wouldn't say that I am overly stressed about any one particular thing, but there is, of course, always some stress. Homeschooling, budget, household needs, parenting... nothing bad, but I do suppose it all adds up.
I hope I get some answers. I am reluctant to do any exercise other than walking - I'm afraid that if I raise my heart rate too high that something bad will happen. But that also means that I will continue to have to amble around with the thirty excess pounds that I have gained over the past seven years and three pregnancies.
My moral. It's still not where it should be. I've doubled my Zoloft dosage to 50mg, but I am not sure it's enough yet. It's all kind of connected: the stress, the weight, the pain and discomfort and the lackluster energy. All I want is to feel good, keep up with my kids and to live a long life.