Friday, May 24, 2013

Fading into the background

On Tuesday night, the night before my surgery, I attended the last board meeting of the year for our homeschool group. My position was Membership. I processed new member applications, conducted an annual audit, and handled quite a few squabbles and issues during the year on our Yahoo group. Homeschoolers can be a passionate, feisty bunch, and on a few occasions, downright mean.


So, of course, in my charmed life - such as it is, my term ended on an incredibly negative note, given the breach that happened last week. Yep, I am all too happy to fade into the background, where I belong. My social life will consist of tea-parties with my daughter and Park Days with the kids, instead of attending meetings, reading and writing tons of email and being the 'polite police' that nobody likes. Maybe I'll teach myself to knit. Again. Maybe I'll start writing on the blog about my unrelenting need for organized perfection again, and not really care if I get made fun of this time. No.. I'll care. But I'll do it anyway, because that is who I am.

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