Wednesday, May 29, 2013

5 things...

1. I am grateful for the rain that fell for a good part of the day. The drive home from dance this late afternoon was just beautiful. The foothills were so green and lush, I felt like I was back in New Zealand.

2. That, even though it was just barely, I made it to Rylan's dance class on time, with her costume. One of the other moms forgot it was picture day, and I know she felt like an idiot. I have been in her shoes so many times... I am grateful that this was not one of those days.

3. I am grateful for chocolate Teddy Grahams. Even though it wasn't the dose of chocolate I sorely needed, it worked in a pinch.

4. I am grateful that Owen was excited to write the letter 'f', and that Rylan remembered the verse we worked on yesterday:

"In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."

5. Constant physical pain will most certainly lead me back to the slippery slope of depression. I'm well on my way into the pit of despair, (no thanks to forgetting to take my happy pills 4 days in a row), but I am thankful that a small voice in my head worked hard today to slow down this descent, and to take stock in what made me happy today.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yay for happy thoughts! :) Hope the pain is decreasing...thinking of you!