Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happiness in a cup

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I have been struggling in the coffee-making department. First my Mr. Coffee died about a year ago. That's okay - I had a French Press that was feeling pretty unloved and was only too happy to step up to the task. Then, a couple of months ago the glass carafe for the French Press got knocked off the kitchen counter and it shattered. So then I was reduced to taking desperate measures by using just a coffee filter stretched over the top of the cup.


This was my coffee I made this morning...



It has been a long couple of months of extremely bad coffee.


My $tarbuck$ expenditures have been atrocious.



And then...


(Cue up the choir of angels! With lots of sopranos! And harps! And sunbeams! And glitter!!)


*~*T H I S*~* was delivered by a very nice FedEx man just a few hours ago!



The wait has been long, but sooo worth it.


Thank you Honey! ;)



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