Many of you know that I am no fan of hot (and especially humid) weather, so summertime is not my favorite season. BUT. The Outdoor Hour Challenge Grid pictured above does happen to list the things that I DO like about summer. The kids and I are slowly working off our challenges as we "enjoy" (?) the last few days of summer this week - which are supposed to be in the 90's. all. week. uugh.
You can download your own grid (free!) over on the Handbook of Nature site. Also, Barbara is revamping the Outdoor Challenges for the coming year - with a reworking of the original 10 challenges. All you have to do is subscribe to her site for a monthly newsletter (free!) and weekly blog posts that will outline the monthly theme (topical, not seasonal) and the coming week's challenge. You do need to purchase a copy of Anna Botsford Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study , and it would be helpful to purchase a copy (ebook, purchased from the Handbook of Nature site) of the first ten challenges - which is on sale for $6.95 through 8/31/12!
It has been a pretty decent summer, in retrospect...
We built a compost bin
We finished the sandbox (post to come)
Lots of swimming...

Had a princess party at the park...
Survived a week of girl scout summer camp
Colored, painted and cut...
Suffered three weeks of smoke and ash from the High Park fire...
Celebrated Father's Day
Survived boy scout summer camp in Wyoming
Celebrated the Summer Solstice
Survived a heat wave...
Planted a garden...
Played in the river...
Watched Rylan march in the 4th of July parade..
Enjoyed several picnics in the park..

Five weeks of swimming lessons...
A trip to Oklahoma...
Celebrated our 7th anniversary...

A visit to the county fair..
A trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens...
Celebrated my 41st birthday...
Played in the sandbox...
Went berry picking...
Got a little boy onto a bike for the first time..

Yep! Pretty good...
1 comment:
And now, there's not a single day that "Mr. O" doesn't ask "Can we go biking today???" Which is actually pretty awesome.
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