I am suffering from "can't think of anything to write aboutitis", so I thought I would pass along a link my husband posted on his facebook page. As some of you may know, BIC just released a new product - a pen 'designed' for women. Here is their product description:
"BIC Cristal For Her has an elegant design - just for Her! It features a thin barrel designed to fit a women's hand. It has a diamond engraved barrel for an elegant and unique feminine style."
I first heard about it on NPR of all places, and I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard of. I wanted to have a face-to-face talk with the product development team that thought this one up. But then I thought about it... pastel-colored shavers, scented shaving cream that is way more expensive than men's shaving cream, well... just about every personal grooming product imaginable - there is a 'his' and 'hers' version. And 'hers' is almost always more expensive.
For the record, the older members in our family use Tresseme shampoo (and I use conditioner) and the younger members use Johnson&Johnson baby shampoo. We all use the same body wash, Dial, in a fresh spring scent. I use my husband's shaving cream - but alas, my shaver's handle is, well... pink. (It fits the contours of my hand, right?) But I'll be honest with you - his shavers work better because there's 1-2-3-4!!! blades! Jordan uses that disgusting line of "Axe" body stink (introduced elsewhere.. )
Marketers have already designed pink tool boxes complete with pink-handled tools for women, aprons for men (must feature a bbq motif), and who can forget - Joey's 'man bag'.
But writing instruments? Well.... would I sound like I total hypocrite if I complained that Dean's choice in pens and mechanical pencils are not my favorite? They are absolutely huge! He uses those big barrel types - and *yes* they actually are uncomfortable to write with. But the average-sized pen does just fine, thankyouverymuch.
Here is what I prefer, even though I know you don't care in the least:
pencil: Ticonderoga pencils. Perfect softness of the lead, and it erases beautifully. They are off-limits to everybody else in the family. MINE!
red pen: Pilot, fine point. I use this pen for writing on any bills or bank statements.
blue pen: BIC crystal. Not the most reliable pen in the world, but I always loved rolling it back and forth between my fingers, feeling the hard edges of the hexagonal shape - it helped me think.
So now that I have wasted about four precious minutes of your day blabbing about nothing (sorry), I'm about to waste even more of your time.
You MUST go to the Amazon link for these new feminine BIC pens, click on the customer 'reviews' and read through several of them. They are absolutely hysterical....
(the eyeliner one is my personal favorite..)