Sunday, January 8, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook Entry

Outside my window... Ha!  I've moved everything around, so this answer has changed!  I now look out the front bay window.  The sun is *just* about to peek over the neighbor's roof across the street.  Then I have about ten more minutes and the sun will be at the right angle to hit the computer screen.  I know that this will only be an irritation for about another month, and then the angle of the sun will have changed enough that it won't happen again until next fall.  I also just saw a couple walking by with their two dogs.  You could set your watch by them.  Always at 7:45 a.m. they are walking by.  They also do an evening walk.  Four years ago, in late January, they stopped by and knocked on the door.  It was so cold that night...  They had found a small cat huddled under the overhang of our front bay window, and picked her up and knocked on the door to ask if she was ours.  Indeed, she wasn't, but because they were out walking their dogs, they couldn't very well take her home to call the Humane Society, so I offered to take her and make the call instead.  She had a red collar and no tags.  No microchip either.  We offered to adopt her and two weeks later she was officially ours.  We were not cat people at the time, but she has been the best little cat.  Except for when she swallowed the pin.

I am thinking... How debilitating Codependent thinking can be.  I spent over eleven years with an alcoholic.  Before that, I had to contend with the worst Type-A you can imagine.  I know what it is like to live that way.  You just want everyone to be happy, and you will enable situations and scenarios to play out simply to keep things looking like 'normal'.  I got help, and I don't think like this anymore, but I have been thinking about it lately since a friend, who lives in another state, is living through a nightmare.  She has a stalker who is getting increasingly bizarre in his attempts to reach her.  A police officer who has taken on the case has recommended a book to her: The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker.  It is about listening to and trusting your intuition, and learning how to recognize danger.  When I think back to the crazy things that I did in my early twenties... Camping alone with just my dog, agreeing to go out bar-hopping with Aussie kids I didn't know (it was before date-rape drugs were popular, but still), walking the Brisbane city streets at night - alone!!, walking/bicycling the college campus at all hours of the night, being semi-drunk and walking with groups of strangers to try and find bathrooms... the list, unfortunately goes on and on, I really put myself at risk a boat-load of times.  I even do it now, on occasion.  BUT - I do trust my gut and I have only done it when I totally felt 'okay' with it.

The best time that I ever put myself at risk?  The time I agreed to meet Dean - at my house - for the first time, so he could pick me up for our first date.  We had talked on the phone numerous times, and emailed back and forth more times than I could count, so I felt like it was safe.  My intuition was totally correct on that one!!  :)

I am thankful... That my friend has a good support system in place to help keep her safe - and for things like Google Latitude so I can keep tabs on her (per her request).

I am thankful for the gift of time during  the past two weeks - the most productive weeks imaginable.  We got a ton of junk and trash out of the house and can now use our living space as it was intended..

I am also thankful that Owen has had three days in a row of being completely dry.  He is now going - by himself- to the big potty and taking care of business when he needs to.  Yahoo!!

From the Learning Rooms... We now have an official school room!  I just purchased a subscription to Reading Eggs for Owen, Rylan and Jordan.  I am looking forward to spending some time with that this coming week.  I have been wanting this program for a loooooong time!

In the kitchen... Cooked up a storm this weekend.  I made lasagna on Friday night.  I changed things a bit because I am still on the hunt for a really good lasagna.  I'm getting closer.  I think I have the sauce right, but I really need to cook it and then let it sit in a crock pot for several hours to let the flavors meld.  I first sauteed the ground beef (sorry - 'no can do' on the Italian sausage - I can't eat it), and then as it was draining I sauteed the onions, garlic and mushrooms.  I bloomed the spices (this was a first, and I think it really helped), and then stirred in the tomato paste, diced tomato and crushed tomato. Yep - I used all three.  I like the little chunks of tomato - but not a ton - so that is where the crushed comes in.  The sauce just tasted too 'tomatoey', which is why I think letting it sit in a crockpot might help.  I used cottage cheese this time, instead of ricotta.  I just can't stand ricotta.  I also used fresh spinach, instead of frozen (drained and thawed).  I liked the difference.  Dean says I need to use more cheese.  He always says that. I will try again in a couple of months...

I also made Pioneer Woman's blackberry cobbler.  Two words: Yum  E.  Loved the crunchy sugar crust.

Last night was' Easy Ropa Vieja stew', from the November '11 issue of Taste of Home.  Very good, but I don't see what is so 'easy' about this stew.  It was a lot of work to put it together - it took me nearly 45 minutes to get it all situated in the crock pot.  It was a little too spicy for Owen and Colin, but I had a ton of extra lasagna on hand. 

I went shopping with my Christmas money last week, and I purchased two items at Bed Bath & Beyond last weekend that I have been lusting after for years...   One was a large-sized mesh strainer.  The other was this...
FONTIGNAC Round 5-Quart Casserole - Green
It is a Fontignac Round 5-Quart Casserole. (cast iron with enamel coating.)  They retail at BB&B for $99.99, but the green and the yellow were discounted to $79.99.  I chose the green.  I suppose if I had the disposable income to purchase a Le Creuset I might, but I don't see why, at this point.  This pot is nothing short of awesome!!!  I have used it nine times in the last week alone.  I love that I can SEE what is happening to the food.  Before I was using a non-stick dutch oven, and with the black coating, you can't really see what the food is doing.  I love that I can finally deglaze properly.  I love how fast, and how evenly the food cooks.  I love how solid it is.  I love how easy it is to clean it.  I don't love how hot the handles get, but I am learning.  And I love that it is green.  It's beautiful!  So a huge thank you to my MIL and SIL for the Christmas money so that I could purchase this gem.  I LOVE IT!

I am wearing...   Pjs.  What else?  To add spice, I am also wearing socks with crocs.  ooooo.

I am creating...  A new, comprehensive school schedule.  We have some new items to work in, and I want to make sure I create a dedicated time of day to do it.  New this year - a nature walk EVERY DAY to coincide with my intention to get more nature study in.  Here is our guide... I love, love this site.  Even if you are not a homeschooler - you could learn so much by doing this yourself.  I highly recommend it!

I am going... To walk the dog in a bit.  Just my dog, my tunes and some fresh air.

I am wondering...  if my orthotics will ever feel good...

I am reading... Bossy Pants, by Tina Fey.  Well, it's at least on my Kindle.  I haven't read it yet.  And I better get crackin' - book club meets this Thursday!

I am hoping... for the gift of uninterrupted reading time this week.  Hun??

I am looking forward to... book club this week and karate belt promotions this coming weekend.

I am hearing...  Pandora is playing right now - tuned to Keyboard Classics. Currently Playing: Suite for solo cello No. 6 in D major, by Bach.  In the other room I hear Kung Fu Panda on the TV.  And Colin messing with the baby monitor up in his room.  I love, love, love that the computer is in a separate room from the TV now.  It makes it so much easier to write.

Around the house... Laundry catch-up and grocery shopping today.

I am pondering... getting the kids on their bikes after lunch.

One of my favorite things... Is this sunny office area.  I just can't get over how good it feels to have such a nice workspace.  We are truly blessed!

A few plans for the rest of the week... Dedicated school week.  Scouts tomorrow night.  Book club on Thursday night.  Play date for Rylan on Friday.  Her second.  EVER.  I'm thrilled!  Belt testing for Rylan on Sat.  Jordan is doing his second round of Merit Badge University classes that morning, so he will do his promotions make-up next Wednesday.  It will be a big one - he is advancing into the Black Belt Club.  He gets a new gi and will start using his sparring hear.  And I will have about twenty patches to hand sew.  yay......

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

We enjoyed some gorgeous, sunny weather this past week.  As I was watching Owen at play, it all of a sudden hit me that I don't see Owen as a little toddler anymore.  I see a young boy.  He's getting taller, and skinnier.  I got so sad at this stage with Rylan, but with Owen it is different.  He is potty trained now!  He articulates some pretty complex thoughts and feelings.  He can serve himself some simple snacks and drinks.  I am very proud.. and I still melt when I look into those big, brown eyes.  Love you little guy!

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