There's nothing quite like celebrating your impending 40th birthday by getting your boobs squished as flat as a pancake. Twice. Each. Good times. I went to the same clinic for my mammogram that I went to for each of my pregnancies (midwives) and I still go there for my annual. They really do have excellent care there, and the staff are fantastic. This appt. was no exception. I was there a total of 22 min. from start to finish. The technician (female!) really knew how to push, pull, smooth, flatten, wedge, squish and coax things into just the right position for each scan. I should have felt molested - but it is for a good cause. And forget about dignity...You lose that the first time you give birth, and a whole second team of Dr.s (male) arrive to survey the scene and all of a sudden you have twelve different people looking at parts of your body you yourself haven't been able to see for at least six months. Nice.
So, the results should arrive in about a week. I'm not nervous, but I am glad to finally have one under my belt. Thank goodness for the fact that so far, (knock on wood), no female family member of mine has ever been diagnosed with breast cancer. If they found anything - anything - I would get a double mastectomy in a flash. Are you kidding me? The chance to get a total breast reduction - and get it covered by insurance - yes!!
So what is 40 Things? I saw a post (go right now and read it... I'll wait) and I thought that sounded like a great idea! Don't you love that cake tower? I am going to make that for my 40th birthday cake. Unfortunately we don't have many coconut fans in the family, but I don't care. It is beautiful, I love chocolate and coconut, so I am going to make it. I guess that can be one of my 40 things because I have never made lamingtons before. I am going to spread the challenge across the year - because some of the things on my list are pretty ambitious. I've only got seven things on my list (okay, now it's eight... the cake!), so I need to get some more ideas. I suppose that it is a good thing I am having a hard time coming up with stuff - I've been a busy gal for the past 40 years! I've experienced a lot, I've traveled a lot - but I know there are several places to go yet, and lots of things to do. I've also got to keep the list realistic and doable. "Go on a cruise" isn't going to work... But I have already done that, so never mind. I was also four months old and don't remember a thing about it.
So I am going to go back to this cake post for a second. It is crazy where Internet searches lead you to. I was initially looking for a recipe for Bavarian cream. A cake this blogger made, featured in another post of hers, was filled with Bavarian cream, so it came up when I googled it. It was maybe tenth on the list? But what a food blog!! She is amazing. I can't pronounce anything, but she is amazing anyway.
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