Monday, May 16, 2011


Spring is surely here, and I am just a-waitin' for fall!!

So if you know me personally, you know I don't like Spring.  Y'all know how much I dislike the month of April.  All the really crappy things that have occurred in life have occurred in April.  Just think about it.  Google it even - you'll see.  It's like the world goes fu*#ing crazy in April.  A lot of screwballs have resorted to some crazy sh!t to deal with their springtime cabin-fever... assault weapons, bombs, airplanes, pink slips, divorce papers....I'm sick of anniversaries, tributes, remembrances and senseless violence.  Sorry April....but I really, really don't like you.  And to think... you begin with April Fool's Day.  Bleh.

May is.....complicated.  Jordan and Rylan both celebrate birthdays in May.  Mother's Day is in May.  Great stuff happens in May.  And that is precisely the problem.  Most of the great stuff in life HAPPENS IN FREAKIN' MAY!!  Crazy-assed month...  

It's just go go go go go GO!!!! 24/7.

I need June to get here so I can recover from May.

Except that summer is my second least favorite season.  Hate the heat.

1 comment:

Shawn Walter said...

ITA, I'm waiting for September. Fall cannot come too soon or stay too long.