Wouldn't you know? Just when you finish off a garden project, a storm has to swoop in and mess everything up. Rylan and I sat and watched as the clouds started to swirl and darken, and hail looked imminent, so she and I scrambled to cover the tomato bed with a tarp. I put a bowl over the rhubarb to protect it as well. Then we stepped inside just as the rain started to pick up. Then I saw the clouds continue to swirl, and I thought it would be best if we went to the basement. The news channel was brodcasting that a tornado had been sighted nearby. We listened to about 15 solid minutes of hail and hard rain. I noticed a small stream of water leaking in around one of the window frames as well. We're going to have to do something about that too. Add it to the list!
When we stepped outside, this is what we saw...

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