Outside my window... Sunshine and a soft breeze.
I am thinking... About my nephew who is celebrating a birthday today, about my cousin that celebrated a birthday yesterday, and my husband who celebrated his birthday the day before that, the food I need to prepare for a picnic we're attending this afternoon, the massive curriculum order I need to place, the fact that Jordan still needs to complete his homework, the stuff I need to do in preparation for the new season of Cub Scouts that begins this week, and the big change that is happening to our homeschool online platform that is happening in T-minus 38:21 hours, and I still have to figure out how to get 120 invites sent out to our membership.
I am thankful... For the slight change in my medication. I had a very productive initial Dr. visit with a new psychiatrist last week. I am currently taking 30mg of Prozac daily, but am feeling 'flat' and unmotivated. So after reviewing my situation and current mental health, he recommended adding 150mg Wellbutrin to the Prozac. I've got a long-term low grade depression, layered with a more immediate depression that comes and goes with the times. The Wellbutrin should help stabilize things and help me with the motivation piece so that I can move beyond the current 'hole' that I feel like I am trapped in right now. (hole = always feeling like I am behind and overwhelmed, and helpless to stop the cycle).
From the Learning Rooms... The kids and I are about to get into the full swing of things when their curriculum arrives later this week. (hopefully - it is the busy season for that, so shipping may be an issue). We have been doing math, history and science these past weeks, but I am anxious to get the Language Arts stuff going. Jordan is doing well with his transition to public high school. I have a blog post in production about that...
In the kitchen... I am making black-eyed pea dip and monster cookies for the picnic later today. About 45 people are attending. That's a whole lotta cookies.
I am wearing... pjs!
I am creating... Trying to decide between Trello, Workflowy, Sticky Notes, Kanban, and Wunderlist as a way to keep track of what I need to do. Part of why I feel sooo overwhelmed is that I have a lot on my plate, and minimal executive function to keep track of it all. My old brain injury is rearing it's ugly head and lots of stuff is falling through the cracks. I have about 40% follow-thru on most stuff right now, because of it. That is all a part of the vicious cycle that keeps beating down my ability to cope and feel good about myself.
I am going... To a picnic later today with our Ingress friends. I am looking forward to it - they are a fun bunch of people.
I am wondering... About the great horned owl I heard outside our bedroom window the other night. It was really neat to hear, but I've never heard an owl in our neighborhood before. Makes me worry about the neighbor's cat that likes to prowl around.
I am reading... I just finished reading The Bishop's Wife, by Mette Ivie Harrison. I love murder mysteries, and to add the Mormonism element to it was the icing on the cake, because Mormonism is a mystery all in its self. I just like reading about things I know little about so that I learn something new. I read it in two days. I haven't been lost in a book like that in months. My husband hates it because I completely ignore everything else when I am absorbed in a book, but I feel it is good for me from time to time. I need time away from myself, lol...
I am hoping... to get in another 10K steps today. Yesterday was the first day I managed that in I don't know how long. I got myself a new FitBit Charge for my birthday earlier this month, and I am loving it!
I am looking forward to... the picnic of course, but not much else this week. It's a busy week coming up full of stressssssss. :/ So I am looking forward to next weekend.
I am learning... how to juggle. Just kidding. I don't think there are any spare brain cells to think about learning anything right now.
I am hearing... Ghoststories by Coldplay on the headphones, but unfortunately it does not drown out the kids arguing in the kitchen as Rylan is making pancakes and Colin, Owen and Jordan are discussing Geometry Dash.
Around the house... Dog hair. Lots and lots of dog hair. Abby's seasonal shed is in full swing.
I am pondering... shaving her. No, not really. I made that mistake with my first husky, Kai. My dad helped my shave her, and she wouldn't look at me for weeks. I think she felt embarrassed. Dean keeps threatening to take Abby to the groomers. I don't think she would like that at. all.
One of my favorite things... A clean kitchen counter. I managed to get two different areas cleaned up this past week. The feeling was awesome. And then kids and husband ruined it all.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Rylan begins a new year of dance this week. She is taking ballet and jazz again, and luckily they are on the same day, back-to-back, which means one less round trip for me. yay! Also, Owen begins his new season of Cub Scouts this week. I am stepping into the new role of assistant leader of his den this year, because the one from last year quit abruptly early last spring, I am an idiot/glutton for punishment and also because no other parent offered to. Luckily, Mark, the den leader, is a well-seasoned scout and knows how to run things pretty well - I'm just an extra pair of hands, really. It is a small group, so hopefully it won't be too much work. Also, the BSA does an excellent of spelling out everything to do in the manual. Unlike the Girl Scouts that are so disorganized it's pointless.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
My husband, Dean, celebrated birthday #45 on Friday. The kids and I drove down to his work to take him out to lunch at Oskar Blues. Yum!
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