Outside my window... It is a cool crisp morning on what promises to be a sunny day. Our ash tree is absolutely gorgeous right now with red, orange, yellow and green leaves, all at the same time. I love, love, love this time of year.
I am thinking... About
my surgery tomorrow morning. This time tomorrow my PS will be taking his marking pen and drawing his surgical road map all over my chest. I've got to remember to remind him that I don't want my nipples looking off in different directions..
I am thankful... For good friends. Thanks for the support, advice, meals and so forth!!!
From the Learning Rooms... I've found that elusive reading piece of the puzzle for Jordan!! On a whim I checked Satori Smiles (see my blog roll) to see if she has updated. It has been almost a year.. And lo' and behold she had! I have had 100% success with the different curriculum that she has recommended. It was how I learned about All About Spelling, Growing with Grammar and a host of others. This time it was a reading series that she had ordered for Satori from
Mosdos Press. I was instantly smitten. I have such a weakness for curriculum. This is absolutely what I was looking for. It is rich with a variety of genres, vocabulary, comprehension... Happy Sigh. I ordered '
Jade' for Jordan, as that seems like a good fit for where he is at right now. Check out the table of contents - what a reading list!!! I also took the bait and looked at
Sadlier, aaaand came away with five more workbooks for Owen and Rylan. I am such a sucker...
In the kitchen... I am prepping a couple of meals with what we have here, but a shopping trip needs to be made before tomorrow. I honestly don't know if I can fit it in, but I don't want to leave Dean in a lurch either.
I am wearing... Standard blogging attire (robe and pjs). The rumor that homeschoolers hang all day in their pjs is so not true. We usually get dressed by noon. ;)
I am creating... Not much at the moment...
I am going... on a Brownie/Daisy field trip just after lunch. We are riding the city bus today and then playing relay games in a park so that the Brownies can wrap up their Fair Play badge work. Rylan has ballet later this afternoon, and Jordan meets with his Lego Robotics team. Somewhere in there I need to get some groceries and a couple last-minute things to prepare for tomorrow.
I am wondering... Oh jeez... I just want to keep my mind from going into overdrive thinking about tomorrow and all the days beyond. The time is finally here and I am just trying to keep from freaking out about all that could go wrong.
I am reading... I have my bedside table all loaded up with good reading material for the next several days. Upon the recommendation by a friend, I have
One Thousand White Women: The Journal of May Dodd, by Jim Fergus, and about three others that are halfway done... I am looking forward to the chance to rest and read!
In the garden... Turnips that need to be picked. I just purchased some sweet basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme to have some herbs indoors for the winter. I also dug up a small patch of chives to bring indoors as well. They are all at home on the kitchen table. So far Colin has been sort of brutal with the chives, but I think they will make it. There is a ton more outside...
I am hoping... That all goes well tomorrow and beyond. I am pretty nervous, but doing my best to think only positive thoughts.
I am looking forward to... recovery. I just want this over with.
I am learning... hmm. I've been reading about how to train for a 5K. There is a lot of information out there! Who knew it was such a science!?
I am hearing... Some silly show on Disney Junior... :(
Around the house... Finishing the laundry today and getting new pjs washed. I need button-up clothes for the next several days. I only have ONE actual shirt that buttons, but it is not ideal for surgery recovery. I have avoided anything with buttons like the plague for years... Then it dawned on me that I have a couple of pjs - loose and baggy flannel ones that will be perfect. I went to Kohl's last night to get one more pair. I'll wear pajamas home from surgery tomorrow. I also need to do some other cleaning and get the kids to help out too.
I am pondering... the quiet peacefulness of a sleeping dog. Abby (husky) is curled up tight, her nose buried in her fluffy tail. I feel a great sense of calm when I watch her.
One of my favorite things... the Veggie Chili at McAlister's. Yum. E. And their new Peach Sweet Tea??? mmmmm.
A few plans for the rest of the week... surgery tomorrow. Dean now takes over as chauffer for the next several days. I'm afraid it will break him. (lol). Our schedule just keeps marching on...and on...and on...
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
Last month, after lunch out in downtown, we stopped by this plaza and the kids played in the fountains. Jordan was trying to see how many times he could whip his hand back and forth through the water stream before it stopped. Now if he would only concentrate on his schoolwork with this same amount of intensity... |
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