Our family is so excited by the change of leadership in Washington! It has been a long, long eight years and it now feels as though a dark cloud of fear, suspicion and deception has lifted. Never before have we (Dean and I) been so moved as to take part in the political process. I served as a delegate for my precinct at the Larimer County Democratic Convention. I had to bring little Owen with me, who was only 5 days old, because I was determined to be there. We donated money throughout the campaign, sported multiple bumper stickers on our cars, and spent several weekends during late fall canvassing in various neighborhoods. Since our house is situated on a busy neighborhood corner, we felt that 6 Obama signs were sufficient as well as one for Markey, Udall, Eubanks, Hoffman and Kefalas. I even painted a huge Obama symbol in our front window, just to get the point across in case there was any confusion. As we trick-or-treated our neighborhood, we could hear comments from passing families about the 'crazy Obama people' on the corner. We are loud and proud!! On election day we stood at a busy intersection and waved signs at passing motorists before Dean left for work. The excitement of the day was incredible! As the final election results were announced, I opened the front door and shared with the neighborhood how pleased I was. I have no shame.... :) What a journey for our family! It has been wonderful to be able to share this with our children, to let them take part in the political process and to experience it all first hand. We can only hope that someday in the next 4/8?? years that we might get the meet the man himself! Congratulations Mr. President!

Our collection of signs in the front yard. We had more on the corner and around the side of the house, as well as on the back of the house. We suffered a few losses but always had a spare sign to replace them.

Sign waving early in the morning on election day. Owen slept through it and Rylan started crying after grandma Judy drove by, honking and waving. Jordan was keeping count of the number of honks we got during the hour we spent there. I think we made it to 130....

The day after the election. One tired but happy family! I used Crayola washable paint to make the window design.
What a country!